{Music} : Ota Ft. Jeff Worship –God's Food "Ounje Olorun"

Imagine the one who created rice and beans but doesn't consume any of them... He created all manner of spices but tasted non...
However, God do eat... (surprised?). Yes,  He do eat, and His food is Thanksgiving...
Therefore Oloruntoba Timothy Adeleye (ÒTA), adding to his age today, deems it fit  to return all glory to Alpha, Who had brought him thus far even before people begin to ask him how far; and to give praise to Omega, who had made him to grow Mega beyond the level of any beggar... He choose to involve his brother Jeff worship in acknowledging this Incomparable God...
Fresh one from OTA concept, Enjoy...
#OTAconcept (c) 2019


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